Resume & Interview Tips

Resume Tips
Most employers will spend about thirty seconds looking at a resume, and if they cannot get a clear idea of your core skills and accomplishments in those few seconds, chances are that they will move on to the next candidate. Your resume should be tailored for each specific position you wish to apply for so that it loses the generic quality that so many other resumes suffer from.

Proof Reading
Your resume provides the first impression that you will give your potential employer, so it must be flawless. Ask a trusted friend, classmate, or colleague to proof read your resume for errors that you might have missed along the way. Even minor typos can indicate a lack of attention to detail, regardless of how much time you actually spent putting the resume together.

In today's competitive market, employers read hundreds of resumes in which job candidates want to "work for a company that provides exciting advancement opportunities." What employers want to see is what you will do that will benefit them - why should they choose you over the others in their stacks of resumes? By answering this question in this one line, you can greatly increase your chances of getting called in for an interview.

The arrangement of resume elements should match the requirements of the potential employer. For example, if you are applying for a Business Development role, you should put an executive summary giving a brief about you followed by the major achievements or highlights of your career. For the next part, your work history should follow, just below the skills relevant, specific to the job. After arranging everything, take a final look at the resume to see whether any irrelevant information can be omitted.
Overall, the best way to grab the potential employer's attention is to customize your resume specifically for that position. When a hiring manager sees how exactly your skills and accomplishments can be applied to the position in question, the odds of securing the interview are dramatically increased.

Interview Tips
Now that your resume has earned you the interview with a hiring manager, how do you go about preparing?
Contact Information: Ask the interviewer for a phone number and address to the office where the interview will take place. Write down directions to the building, and keep the phone number with you in case you have trouble finding your way to the office on the day of the interview.
Research: One of the first things you should do before an interview is researching the company. Many people overlook this crucial step, even though an employer is most likely to ask first, "tell me what you know about our company." By stating company facts or their accomplishments, you are giving yourself an extra edge over the competition by showing that you took the time to research.
Practice: Even if you have been interviewed more times than you can count, it is important to rehearse what you are going to say and how you're going to say it. Use the research you've gathered and go over the main talking points until you can express yourself confidently without stumbling on your words, fidgeting, or losing eye contact with the other person.
Punctuality: This is perhaps the most obvious tip, but for many people there comes the time that an unforeseen circumstance gets in the way. In this case, calling the interviewer is better than not calling and leaving them to scrutinize whether or not you really want the position. To prevent tardiness, aim to show up at your destination about 10-15 minutes early, and call immediately if there is any chance that you might be late. The interviewer will only need a brief reason for your showing up late - usually, unforeseen circumstances such as a personal or family emergency, or inclement weather that causes road closures, are acceptable. When you arrive to the interview, maintain composure, apologize for the tardiness, and thank the interviewer for waiting.
Tackling Tough Questions: When asked a tough question, feel free to take some time to think it over. This is generally better than stammering an impromptu response that might not be as sincere or accurate.
Addressing Employment Gaps: Although it is understandable to have been let go from a job due to the business' failure or budget cuts, employers want to see that you have continued to remain optimistic and occupied during your unemployed time. Whether you stayed home to care for a child or ailing relative, or you did volunteer work, be honest about your time off; hiring managers have heard it all, and they don't want excuses but explanations.
Focus on the Positive: It should go without saying, but all of your speech in an interview should have a positive tone. Some people inadvertently rely on negative words like "couldn't," "didn't," etc. Instead of emphasizing your limitations and shortcomings in the face of challenging questions, respond in a positive manner. One of the most common questions is "what is your biggest weakness?" While this should be answered honestly, it should also be followed up with how you plan to address that weakness whenever you encounter it.
Thank the Interviewer: Immediately after the interview, it is appropriate to send the interviewer a hand-written thank-you note to express your appreciation of his or her taking the time to talk with you. Also, this is the opportunity to further highlight your strong points and address any information that you might not have had time to discuss in the interview.
In short, the key to mastering job interviews is practicing these skills. Because every hiring manager has a different personality, and company cultures vary from place to place, don't be discouraged if some of these tips do not help in securing a job. If you feel that you did everything right, ask the interviewer for any constructive criticism he or she might have to offer. Some are more than willing to provide tips for you to continue your search, and others might even appreciate your determination enough that they fit you in a different position within the company for which you are more qualified.